Ensuring Compliance

Systems, and Constant Monitoring

  • We have enhanced safety and security.
  • Access control through Wi-Fi locks.
  • Security cameras. Aiming outwards and only at entry points and public areas.
  • Noise level detection sensors. No audio is monitored or recorded.
  • Automated systems 24/7.
  • No parties or gatherings are allowed, and our guests must agree to this before booking.
  • We have ZERO tolerance for trouble-makers.

Motion sensors activate security cameras on the exterior of access points when a guest arrives, notifying us. Through video feed we verify number of people, and if they brought animals.

We have door sensors, we can even determine when they open and close them, as well as garage door if applicable, with time stamps.

Noise sensors trigger security and safety procedures if levels exceed set thresholds. We ask guests if everything is ok, and we remind them of the quiet hours rules. This has always been enough to de-escalate the situation in a matter of minutes and without further complications. We screen them well, and we are all in the same page by being upfront regarding parties. It works!

In case the situation persisted, we would let them know that they have violated the rules, reservation has been cancelled, and they must vacate the property immediately since they would have became trespassers.

Access codes are automatically changed to prevent guests from entering property before or after their allocated time.

We forbid guests from receiving mail or parcels. Instead, we direct them to the nearest Post Office and parcel services (FedEx, UPS), making it difficult for them to bring unwanted stuff, and preventing them from gaining any tenant rights.

Our listings and rules describe all this. Bad guests simply avoid booking with us and rather go somewhere elseā€¦ they go to the amateurs!